Petroleum - a complex mixture of organic liquids called crude oil and natural gas occurring naturally in the ground - formed millions of years ago.
For more details and List of Crude oil Products, please visit:
# Crude oil refining

AGO - atmospheric gas oil; VGO - vacuum gas oil; HCO - heavy cycle oil (Courtesy of Chevron)
# Crude Oil Distillation

According to:
# Processes of a refinery see

According to:
# Products made from crude oil
# Heavy Fuel Refinery Process, according to:

# LNG process and storage

Crude oils - viscosity and °API
For complete data visit:
REBCO,(GOST 9965-76), GOST 51858-2002
Gasoil 0.1%, Fuel Oil 1%, Fuel Oil 3.5%; the grades of fuel used in shipping (ie, ship engines rather than ship cargo)
# Maritime Fuels Process Classification:
MGO (Marine Gas Oil): a distillate fuel oil (No. 2, Bunker A), according to:ISO 8217, EN 590,
ASTM D975, DIN EN 14214, ASTM D675
MDO (Marine Diesel Oil): a blend of MGO and HFO, ISO 8217, EN 590
IFO (Intermediate Fuel Oil): a blend of MGO and HFO, with less gasoil than MDO, ISO 8217, EN 590
MFO (Marine/Medium Fuel Oil): a blend of MGO and HFO, with less gasoil than IFO, acording to:ISO 8217, EN 590
HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil)-Residual Fuel Oil (RFO): a residual fuel oil (No. 6, Bunker C) according to: ISO 8217, EN 590, ASTM D396
# Marine Fuels “Bunker ABC” Classification
Bunker A corresponds to the distillate “Fuel Oil No. 2”
Bunker B is a No. 4/No. 5 blend fuel “Navy Special Fuel Oil” (NSFO), according to:
Bunker C corresponds to the residual fuel oil No. 5 /No. 6 or “Furnance Fuel Oil” (FFO) ASTM D 396, ASTM D 975
# Kinematic Viscosity Classification
Distillate Bunker Oils (ISO EN 8217)
Residual Bunker Oils (ISO EN 8217)
The first set of standards for automotive fuels, ratified by CEN on 16 March 1993, had been adopted by all Member States by September 1993.
Three standards cover automotive fuels quality:
the EN 590 for diesel fuel (Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel)
the EN 228 for gasoline (Ultra Low Sulphur Petrol),
EN 589 for automotive LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
To provide options for different climates, the EN 590 standard specifies six Temperature Climate Grades of diesel fuel (Grade A...F) which differ in the value.
Within the gas oil classification, fuels for on road vehicles (typically with sulfur content below 0.05%) are referred to as “diesel fuels”
While fuels for non road mobile machinery (typically with sulfur content up to 0.2%) are referred to as “gas oils intended for use by non-road mobile machinery (including inland waterway vessels), agricultural and forestry tractors, and recreational craft”.
EN 590:1993 Diesel Fuel Specification, Table 1

98/69/EC (Euro 3) & 99/96/EC (Euro III) Reference Diesel Fuel, Table 2

Nonroad Vehicles
Specifications for reference diesel fuel for the type approval and conformity testing of Stage I/II non road mobile diesel engines are listed in Table 2.1[Directive 97/68/EC].
Reference fuel specifications for Stage III/IV testing are listed in Table 2.2[Directive 2004/26/EC, Directive 2010/26/EC].
EU Stage I/II Nonroad and Inland Waterway Vessel Reference Diesel Fuel, Table 3

Marine fuels According to DIN ISO 8217 Class F (see )
Marine Fuel Oil (MFO) Max. sulfur
Marine Diesel OIL (MDO) content
High sulfur/Heavy fuel oil (HSFO)* 3.5%
Low sulfur fuel oil (LSFO)** 1.0%
Ultra Low Sulfur Fuel Oil (ULSFO)*** 0.1%
Fuel Oil:
*HSFO (sulfur max. 3.5%)
# IFO 180 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 180 mm2/sec.)
# IFO 280 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 280 mm2/sec.)
#IFO 380 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 380 mm2/sec.)
**LSFO (sulfur max. 1.0%)
# IFO 180 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 180 mm2/sec.)
# IFO 280 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 280 mm2/sec.)
#IFO 380 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 380 mm2/sec.)
***ULSFO since ian 2015 for:
# IFO 180 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 180 mm2/sec.)
# IFO 280 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 280 mm2/sec.)
#IFO 380 (Intermediate Fuel Oil with viscosity 380 mm2/sec.)
# Lighter Marine Gas Oil (MGO) or LS - MGO , middle distillates
# Marine Diesel Oil (MDO)
GAS OIL LSD 50ppm GOST R 52368-2005 TYPE II,
D2,Gasoil L 0.2/62, Gost 305-82,
D2 Diesel oil GOST R 52368-2005, EN 590 , DIESEL FUEL
IV. Biodiesel
Biodiesel Oil blended type B 100 according to: DIN EN 14214, ASTM D 6751.
V. Aviation Fuels
According to:
Jet fuels and aviation gasolines used in civil and military aircrafts.
# Jet A (USA JF 1107), freeze point specifications -40 °C/Jet A-1(Kerosene JF 1411), freeze point specifications -47 °C, AVATUR; AVTAG/FSII : according to: ASTM D 1655, MIL-DTL-83133E, ASTM D7566, DEF STAN 91-91 (UK)
# JP-8 is the military equivalent, ASTM D 1655, MIL-DTL-83133E,
# TS-1 , Regular Kerosene, Premium Kerosene, Special Kerosene, RT Premium Kerosene according to GOST 10227-86,
# Jet B (Jet Propellant 8, Kerosene-gasoline mixture) according to ASTM D 6615,
# JP-7, according to: MIL-DTL-38219D,
# JP-4, F-40, AVTAG/FSII according to: MIL-DTL-5624U,
# JP-5m F-44, AVCAT/FSII: according to: MIL-DTL-5624U,
# Jet No. 3 Kerosene acording to :GB 6537-2006.
# AVAGAS 100 (gasoline 100 octane), according to ASTM D910
International standards for Jet fuels, A1, JP 54

VI.Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) according to:
Russian liquefied natural Gas according to: GOST 5542-87
VII. Petroleum Coke
Technical specification according to:
ISO 14435/2005
ASTM D6969 - 17
VIII. Bitumen:
Most Commonly Used Bitumen Specifications
·ASTM D 946 and AASHTO M 20 (Penetration @ 25°C)
·ASTM D 3381 and AASHTO M 226 (Viscosity @ 60°C)
·ASTM D 6373 and AASHTO M 320 (PG-Graded Binder)
·EN 12591 (Penetration @ 25°C) → NF EN; BS EN; DIN EN; etc.
·SABS 307 (Penetration @ 25°C; Viscosity @ 60°C after RTFOT)
·IS 73 (India) changed in 2006 from PEN grades to VG Grades (based on Viscosity @ 60°C); however, CRMB modified bitumen is still graded based on penetration.
Acording to :ASTM D 946 and AASHTO M 20 (Penetration @ 25°C)
Bitumen Penetration Grade 40/50,
Bitumen Penetration Grade 60/70,
Bitumen Penetration Grade 80/100,
Bitumen Penetration Grade 85/100,
Bitumen Grade MC30
IX. Urea